A celebration session on the occasion of reaching issue (100) of the price bulletin for local and international materials, products and commodities.

It was held this afternoon, Monday, 09/04/2023. A celebration session on the occasion of the publication of issue (100) of the local and international price bulletin issued by the Trade Data Center. The session included a review of the stages that the preparation and presentation of this work went through and the mechanisms for developing it.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors discussed with some of the directors of departments and offices and members of the team at the Trade Data Center concerned with preparing and issuing the bulletin the next steps for developing the bulletin through the data center platform of the Libya Trade Network.

As of next week, the process of technical linkage to display bulletin indicators will begin with the Internal Trade Department at the Ministry of Economy and Trade, and work will be done to provide the required display screens and equipment, enabling the Ministry to daily follow up on price movements and their analytical readings to support the Ministry’s decisions in the field of regulating internal trade according to real market indicators. .

During the session, they also discussed launching bulletins in a dynamic manner in terms of visual presentation of the bulletins, which will take place in the middle of this month.

 In addition to discussing the development of the content of bulletins and mechanisms for collecting and producing data so that followers can make optimal use of it.


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